Taste is one of the five senses of living beings, through which the different flavors of things are perceived and recognized.
The sense of taste resides in external sensory receptors called taste buds, which are found primarily on the tongue. On the surface of this there are a large number of prominences called taste buds, which have various shapes (calyx, fungus, corolla, thread). The papillae are also located to a lesser extent on the soft palate and in the throat.
These taste buds are encapsulated in sustainable cells, which give the tongue a rough appearance. In order for the papillae to be stimulated, the substances must be diluted in the saliva and thus penetrate the pores of the sustainable cells.
The human being is capable of perceiving four basic tastes: sweet, salty, bitter and sour. Each of these flavors is perceived in specific areas of the tongue: bitter flavors are perceived on the back; on the sides, citrus; and at the top, salty and sweet. The other flavors captured on the tongue are simply combinations of these.
When a specific flavor is captured, the papillae are innervated by the facial, glossopharyngeal and neurogastric nerves, which transmit nerve impulses to the medulla, the thalamus, and end in the parietal lobe of the cortex.
The sense of taste requires an almost complete integrity of the sense of smell; Due to the chemical nature, both are chemoreceptors and take up chemicals through mechanical waves. Hence the familiar experience of not perceiving the taste of food when we have a cold.
On the other hand, one has that taste is the satisfaction or delight that is experienced for some reason or that is received from anything. It is nothing more than the pleasure or pleasant sensation that one feels in satisfying our inclinations, even when they are fleeting. For example: How happy I am to see my son graduate!
It is also considered pleasure to the faculty and personal way of appreciating the beautiful or the ugly. For example: When you see your dress, I can tell that you have good dress taste.