In the religious context it is called Host a piece of bread in a circle, made of flour of wheat unleavened offered in the liturgy or Christian mass as sign of offering. Once the host is consecrated during the mass, it is transformed into the body of Christ. It is said that this type of bread is originally from the Jewish people, which made and consumed it during the Passover festivities.
The material with which the host is made is wheat which is reduced to flour and dissolved in water, once the dough is made, it is spread between two hot plates, which allows the evaporation of the liquids. In this way, super thin bread slices are obtained, to finish they are cut with special molds.
During the celebration of the Eucharist, the priest proceeds to the consecration of bread and wine, which according to Christian doctrine represent the body and blood of God. Catholics faithfully believe in transubstantiation, which refers to the transformation, during the moment of consecration, of the host into the flesh of Christ.
Many believe that when Jesus told his disciples that the bread they would eat during the Last Supper represented his flesh and that the wine they would drink represented his blood, he meant it in a symbolic way. However, the Catholic Church refutes it, stating that Jesus is actually bodily present in the bread and wine, this statement is based on the Gospel of Saint John 6: 51-58 where it says “my flesh is true food and my blood is real drink ”.
The host is offered to the faithful during communion, in order to receive it, people must have confessed, not be sympathetic to any type of esotericism, or practice spiritism, or Santeria.
Those hosts that are not consumed during communion are taken to the tabernacle, which is a kind of box located in the church where the consecrated host is kept. In this way, Catholics feel the presence of Jesus Christ in her, being able to visit and worship him.