Orphan is the name given to those individuals whose parents have died or abandoned them, leaving them with few options to maintain a stable life. Despite being in the care of the remaining relatives, they would continue to be considered orphans. In cinematography, it is called an orphan film, which has been abandoned by its producer, owner or manager, usually because they have no commercial potential. Orphan drugs, for their part, are those treatments that cannot yet be marketed to the general public, and that are only used by, according to statistics from the European Union, 5 out of 10,000 patients.
Orphaned children can sometimes be cared for and cared for in orphanages, institutions, public or religious, where they are fed and given education for free, in addition to being approached by couples who wish to adopt a child.. It is estimated that about 34,294 children in Africa exist in state of orphans in Asia 65,504 and Latin America and the Caribbean about 8,166. Most of the children suffer deplorable living conditions and are subjected to the dangers of life on the streets. In Russia, there is a law that prohibits American families from adopting Russian orphans; This was born in response to a law imposed by the North American nation, which prevents entry into the countrythose related to the murder of Sergei Magnitsky.
Other meanings of the word can be found in typography, where widowed or orphan paragraphs are called, which are found on a page to that of the full text, leaving the context aside. However, some word processors include certain tools to edit this, adjusting the size and shape of the font, in addition to the margins of the sheet.