The term humanities is one that is used to encompass all those disciplines that are related to the condition, performance and behavior of human beings. Unlike the natural sciences that study nature and everything related to it. The humanities do not define laws but rather carry out analyzes about different objects of study where the variables that compose them are debated.
What are the humanities
Table of Contents
Humanities are all disciplines that study the behavior, condition and performance of the human being. The humanities, also as social sciences, are interested in the study of elements related to religion, communication, art, culture, which is part of history.
In this sense, one of the main differences between the natural sciences and those designed as part of the definition of humanities are the first that have the types of analysis, study, verification and reform. They are never limited to empirical or stimulus-effect analyzes since the variations are not so easily delimitable and understandable.
This is why the concept of humanities is characterized by having a specific, critical analysis and debate on the phenomena that interest it.
It can be said that the concept can refer both to an attitude and to the characteristics of an individual that belongs to this species; In addition to bringing together all the individuals that are part of life on planet Earth, in the latter case it serves to make statistics or pose problems of a universal nature.
It also serves to name those disciplines that lack scientific rigor but for which there is a certain study and management structure. In this way, the definition of humanities are known as those linked to culture and human knowledge. Unlike the social sciences, the humanities do not claim to create general postulates or universal laws. Art and letters are part of the humanities.
Latest definitions of Humanities
Indigenous distribution
Main elements of the humanities
Among the main elements that have been fundamental for the development of what the humanities are and that have strengthened the concept of humanities are:
The study of the person in society
The proposal of the Complutense University of Madrid to eliminate the Faculty of Philosophy, to merge its programs with the Faculty of Philology, has caused controversy in the academic world.
The administrative and accounting arguments that have been adduced to make this decision, leave aside the pedagogical purpose of the educational system, however many people study humanities in Mexico, an Aztec country that has been given the task of including the development of such an important career in their planning, for the benefit of the nation and its inhabitants.
Carlos Gustavo Patarroyo, Dean of the School of Human Sciences of the Universidad del Rosario, explains the role that the human and social sciences play in today's society.
The stimulation of human thought
What must be done is to show that no study is truly complete if it does not have a humanistic component. Think of any technological or scientific advance; Understanding well the problem from which it arose, what you want to solve technologically and its social impact is very important. It is important to note that there is no field of the most natural and mathematical disciplines where the human and social sciences do not have a sufficiently great relevance and thus complement what the humanities are and the importance of them.
So, when attempting a change, it should be the first on the part of the population itself, the humanists, to be a little more aggressive in the usefulness that one has in other areas and not to withdraw. And in general terms, in an understanding of the rest of society on decision making where to see the importance of the humanities in this type of development.
Addressing the subject of the humanities, the definition of humanities and the importance of these, is observed in the values and morals that human beings adopt, thus having a fundamental basis for their development as a person in society; creating in different areas, whether political, economic, cultural, religious, among others.
Understanding the concept of humanities not only lies in the teaching of these, but in the practice that the demonstrations of daily living, observing from its beginnings to the present and reinforcing it every day. Putting ethics into practice as a social judgment and morality as a personal principle.
The implementation of the humanities in educational institutions has not been very good, when observing the practice of these forms in the writing of documents. An application in life, if not only information as a simple lecture, something without relevance, which is seen once out of obligation and which is not influenced in the lives of human beings.
The development of cultural language
They are translated into linguistic information, for the same reason, that language is a very sensitive subject for those who have power and debate. It revolves around ethics much more than language. This opinion is confirmed, giving examples of the use of several words to convey the same message with a different impact, and it is argued: “We must not believe in the euphemisms used by the media to modify reality. Language is reality in such a way that it is desirable or not ”.
The dynamics of languages can be described as processes of cultural evolution, in which an infinity of factors intervene, and the effects of the processes of times analogous to biological evolution.
It is not debatable, the language is going to change because reality has changed. Language describes a cultural phenomenon and its changes are reflections of society. On the other hand, it is not that the mother tongue allows or prevents thinking in a certain way, what it does is that it forces us to think certain things every time we talk. In other words: speech habits create mental habits. Do not underestimate the power of language, that it has an effect on people. But you don't have to think either, not just by making changes to the language.
As the context in which a certain communicative process has developed, language teachers, when considering teaching in a language to students, not only have to provide grammatical or semantic knowledge for them to be able to respond.
The communicative process to become a cape in a satisfactory way, it must also teach the various factors that influence the communication process. It should be noted that it is important and fundamental in the culture of language, between the language and the culture of one and several peoples.
Outstanding Humanities Definitions
Birth certificate
What is the role of the humanities in society
The humanities in society has played a fundamental role. Dell Hymes, arrives at an alternation like the other ethnolinguistics and sociolinguistics, very especially in this last identification it is convenient to separate both fields because sociolinguistics is in charge of the study of the variety and variation of language in relation to the social structure of a community of speakers; while ethnolinguistics studies the variety and variation of language in relation to civilization and culture.
One of the purposes of the humanities is to wonder about the meaning and direction of the deviations, the contradictions, the costs of this human adventure. This is the mark of what is called civilization (progress, modernity), which is presented as having entered into an automatic, technical, post-ideological mode, thought once and for all, which seems to be no longer necessary. interrogation, justification. Once the unequal, material results and their ideological bases have not been obtained, it occurs with any declaration of asepsis, neutrality, disinterest, universality, and so on.
Another usefulness of the humanities lies in participating in a social conversation because the university is not the only place of thought to make a contribution from the forms and particulars of "objectifying" the human experience and the meaning of existence, which historically have given place and decanted in disciplines: the study of language and verbal creations, the study of history from multiple traces and registers, the study of the forms of life, one's own and others, and so on.
Also in interdisciplinary spaces through which they have become the field of light, and in the field of disciplines and in the field of perspective, analyzing their blind spots. This is especially applicable to humanistic studies (and even more so to language), since they are a human construction through which it is intended to know other human constructions, and thus can never really be placed outside of what is studied.
Even in the XXI century, we continue to witness the attempt of both to make a selective use, convenience, human rights, which is expressly prohibited, since they are indivisible, inalienable, universal, and the integrity of the person and the violence. Human experience in all its extension and diversity, the meanings of existence, as collected by culture.