This is how the series of images and representations that are arranged under certain cultural, religious or social concepts is called, so that the community can easily, according to the ideologies and doctrines that it professes, see itself identified with it.. Similarly, it is the name given to those studies that are responsible for analyzing images related to certain conceptions, characters or themes.
Iconography is a field in which not only the symbolism and richness present in the various figures is analyzed, but also their background.
According to what was explained by the DRAE, the term has its origins in the Latin word “iconographĭa”, which in turn is derived from the Greek “εἰκονογραφία”, which, although they had a meaning similar to that of today, these specified the description of paintings, portraits, statues, ancient monuments, as well as being the name of collections of artistic works such as those already mentioned. It is related to iconology; The nuances that differentiate them become diffuse, because they are in charge of dealing with similar points, such as the topics covered in the paintings (iconography) and the meaning they contain (iconology).
The iconography, traditionally, has been divided into three main fields, starting from the features that inspire the artist, these being: classical mythology, Christian mythology and secular representations. In this way, the historical background of each style and movement can be studied, in addition to understanding the series of events that may have influenced the artist in his work.