It is defined as that pattern of behavior, developed or implanted, that occurs in individuals belonging to a social group (although it can even be found in a single subject), defining their personality, character and temperament.
Mostly, it is due to the different behaviors that can be observed in a community, who, in turn, are constantly being persuaded by ideology developed by a subject belonging to the clan or an external entity considered important in their opinion, such as the music, religion, Protestant movements or fashion, whose philosophy is transmitted and accepted throughout the group by a member with a high hierarchical position in it.
The transmitter should enjoy high credibility within the group, that is, assume the position of "boss", since it is one of the few credible options with which an impact can be achieved at a significant psychological level, making the remaining people feel comfortable, in some way, to stick with the new movement. According to scientific studies carried out, humans have an acute social instinct, so when seeing an important being maintaining a different behavior, they will follow it, otherwise, they would feel excluded or marginalized.
When following a movement, most individuals do not take into account whether, as a consequence, their actions could damage their being or destroy their reputation, they only follow what others indicate. The term idiosyncrasy is also used to designate subjects from different cultures or nations, in addition to communities without specifying the details that characterize them.