
What is automatic indexing? »Its definition and meaning


The indexing automatically extracting data from a set of a particular document or text external serve to give full details of the same. This data can be from text, even image and sound. This process is carried out through a computer program that chooses the elements following a series of previously established parameters. This process is nothing more than a classification with keywords or key elements that facilitate your search among a large group of similar ones.

Automatic indexing is common among organizations that do work between human resources and administrative. Large amounts of information must be classified and classified in an ordered series so that its location is accurate both for the one who requires it and for the one who maintains the system.

The data storage is vital for any organization, not only to maintain a historical, but to have an extended support of security to ensure that the content of the documents is true and that in case of loss there is a backup to check it.

Indexers convert controlled language (descriptors and subject headings) after searching and finding their equivalents in the indexing languages ​​(thesaurus, subject heading lists, or alphabetical descriptor listing). In this way, these descriptors or subject headings are used for storing these documents in databases or catalogs and also for retrieval for later retrieval. Therefore, the general purpose of indexing is the storage and retrieval of information.