
What is indirect information? »Its definition and meaning


The information can be considered a message expressed with a series of symbols, made up of a literal or abstract knowledge of the environment and what it entails; it is a planned organization of everything living in the environment. Information cannot always be viewed in the same way, but there is always the option to classify it conveniently. Naturally, this can be obtained by making use of many resources, some without many similarities, but in the end it ends up altering the knowledge of the recipient.

Research refers to being only a tool to obtain all the necessary knowledge, being used in those situations in which a document cannot fully provide the data that is wanted. During this process, all the references that may contain the desired information are consulted, making this the only way to consult and nourish yourself with the data that is required.

The aforementioned is the main characteristic of indirect information, this being that which is not obtained through a single text, but rather from the references made in it, which should be thoroughly investigated. The sources consulted, in the same way, may also appear in the text, but a paragraph written specifically for this purpose, highlighting the year the writing was launched, the author's name, publisher, the country and the city where it was originally written. Besides that, you can also include, within the document, a series of suggestions or facts for the reader, which could also contain the information you want to consult.