
What is instinct? »Its definition and meaning

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The instinct is innate behavior of humans, genetically transmitted, which allows them to respond spontaneously to any external stimuli whether they are internal (feelings) or. These are characterized by being specific, complex in nature, that is, they consist of a series of steps for their activation such as the perception of the need. In animals, instincts are not activated in the same way as in humans, according to zoologists and ethologists, these are common behaviors among members of the same species, it is believed that these responses make up a genuine system in animals.

What is instinct

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When the question arises, what is instinct? The response arises that indicates it as a natural unlearned behavior that is genetically transferred between human beings and that allows them to respond in the same way to a series of stimuli.

The innate and inner instinct is one that produces a feeling or an action without knowing why it responds. In another definition of instinct, it is shown that this is the natural ability to easily and quickly grasp and value anything.

In another sense, the concept of instinct is used to refer, for example, to someone with a special perception or intuition for business. In this case, the term is used in a figurative way.

In animals, instinctual behavior has a meaning that surpasses all kinds of mechanical explanation. Faced with the assumptions that consider the animal as a body divisible into parts, which always manifest the truth, which uses the intuitive to regulate behavior and which is always governed with the precise purpose of preserving life.

Intuitive behavior develops gradually, the factor that has consequences on it is innate selection, which acts in all humans, with the purpose of conserving the species, with the aim that the most skilled continue to evolve in the best possible circumstances.

In birds as well as in other animals, some chemical hormones cause the emergence of an instinct to be activated, that happens when the sexual organs arrive to the brain through the bloodstream with a message.

In either case, instincts emerge immediately, and follow a specific purpose.

According to certain biologicist points of view, in humans two instincts are recognized: survival and reproduction, despite the fact that recently signs have been found that there may be another, called religious intuition, related to a part of the brain that show strong activity during epilepsy events, even when this area is stimulated by religious connection and meditation, in any individual this area of ​​the brain is known as the parietal lobe.

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Difference between instinct and reflex

There are several things that distinguish intuition from reflection. On the one hand, instinct is a natural behavior pattern in the biologically specific individual. Reflexes are automatic and involuntary responses to certain external stimuli in the body, which are always activated. On the other hand, in instincts it is the opposite, since it is something natural and spontaneous.

The characteristics that distinguish the reflex from instinct are the following: the reflex has an external stimulus, is more or less quick and simple, and is generally localized. For its part, instinct seems to start in the animal organism, it is more complicated, its execution takes longer and it is revealed as a general activity of the living being.

Instinct characteristics

Instincts are defined biologically as a genetic pattern of behaviors whose traits are the following:

  • It aims at adaptation.
  • It is normal in all species, variability and exceptions are minimal, clarified by the same instinct.
  • It is complex in nature, that is, it consists of a series of steps for its activation, such as the perception of need.
  • It is innate because it does not require prior learning.
  • It is specific since it happens before certain external or internal stimuli.

Instinct classes

Human instinct

When it comes to human instinct, it is much more difficult to determine what instinct is and how it works, because man is classified as an animal with conceived thinking, which lives in an environment and in a specific culture.

It is believed that there are some fixed patterns of behavior (for example, the instinct to breastfeed the baby or the survival or natural tendency). But, the reality of the human being is so complicated that it is not always easy to determine if a behavior pattern is truly instinctive.

The debate over human instincts is complex. It is considered that there are certain fixed patterns of behavior (for example, the instinct to breastfeed babies or survival as a natural inclination).

A situation that exemplifies this is the following; Apparently all humans have a survival instinct, but there are facts that contradict this claim (for example, a hunger strike).

The concept of human instinct is locked in a constant controversy: the binomial nature-culture. Expressed in other words, an attempt is made to define which contexts are strictly natural and which are adopted within the social sphere.

One of the researchers who has studied the most about human instincts is Sigmund Freud.

In his psychoanalytic hypothesis he assures that the conscious and rational part of the mind acts as an obstacle that hides the intuitive and it is the unconscious mind that remains in contact with the "animal" aspect of man.

In other of his studies this analytic affirms that human beings are directed by two forces, two instincts: eros (of life) and thanatos (of death). The first is the one that plays to the preservation of life in all its contexts, while the second manifests the instigation towards the destruction of life itself.

Animal instinct

This defines your behavior absolutely. This system is not the same as in humans, because the intuitive is altered, modified and even canceled by other guidelines, the cultural ones.

Ethologists and zoologists specializing in behavior have described that there are several types of animal instinct: defense and attack, associated with migratory or shelter movements in relation to their young.

As these are common behaviors among members of the same species, it has been estimated that these intuitive responses make up a genuine system in animals.

The instinct in dogs and cats, for example, is truly amazing, it allows them to be unique, it is what for thousands of years has drawn great attention to human beings.

Their animal nature helps them overcome certain circumstances in an outstanding way. The way of being canine and feline has played a great role, however their ability to adapt, resistance or intelligence, among other characteristics, are what have led them to be the best companions of human beings.

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Examples of instinct

Maternal instinct

This is a very personal, unique, close and unrepeatable bond that is consolidated between mother and child from the moment of conception and for the rest of life.

Actually it refers to an impulse that leads the mother to act for her son, to take care of him without thinking, without leaving him and even risking her life for him.

When we speak of this instinct, we do not refer to an idealized feeling, but to the truth of motherhood itself, which in the same way is marked by situations of doubts, insecurity and fatigue.

This intuition is also limited by the biological factor. It also refers women to the desire to give life, protect, care for and give love to the baby. Sending her to that stage of inner security in which the woman becomes aware that, in reality, she wants to be a mother and feels ready for it.

This instinct is an affective bond which is quite personal, and despite the fact that most mothers have it, it can manifest itself in different ways with respect to each woman.

In the case of humans, the brain and the hormonal mechanisms that trigger pregnancy are closely related to it.

A woman's desire for children can be expressed in various ways. However, this may never show up and you shouldn't feel guilty about such a thing.

As is normal for women who have been mothers, the arrival of their baby causes them a lot of anxiety and fear, which leads them to ask themselves the following questions, will I be a good mother? Will I have the ability to attend to their needs and take care of them in the best way?

While in other cases they can even live the experience from indifference, that is, without expressing that explosion of loving feelings that is expected from a mother.

The truth is that when you experience this maternal instinct and achieve the desire to be a mother, sooner or later you will have the feeling of great inner joy.

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Survival instinct

In human beings, the survival instinct acquired from the ancestors is what most determines their existence.

It can also be affirmed that over the years, the beginning based on the instinct of conservation increases, reaching a period in which the human being seeks security for himself and if possible also for his family nucleus.

The survival instinct is also a reflection of the fear and panic that the human being has towards death, this psychologically hinders him in a way of thinking and with a corrupt and aberrant behavior in which his only purpose is limited to survive wondering where the internal and external problems that originate in their lives are born.

Once the human being overcomes the fear of death, this being the first reason for limitation and from which other fears, worries and sufferings are unleashed that condition their existence, the evolution of the new reasoning of the conscience crippled by the conditioning originates inherited.

A brain transformation that will build the entire neurological structure, giving the human being the chance to dissolve the survival instinct and the consequences that also come from it and that corresponds to the totality of the natural instincts of the human being.

This transformation of the brain raises a new conception and phenomenology of existence, of life and the meaning of it, which the human being gives to his own delimitation that affects it in a means, and not in its end.

It is of utmost importance to highlight that this cell renewal in the brain does not require any learning process, the total limitation of the human being with all that it entails, must be captured as an inherent factor of human nature, dissociating subjective thinking individually..

Instinct FAQ

What is meant by instinct?

Instinct is an innate behavior of the human being and is characterized by allowing it to quickly perceive and analyze any movement that is out of the ordinary. It is also known as an impulse that causes an action and involves feelings unconsciously and without reason, because when this quality is stimulated, the person always gets an immediate response.

What are the instincts of the human being?

From the biological point of view, there is a theory that specifies that human beings have basic instincts such as survival, reproduction and religion, according to the drive, people do not have instincts, but they have impulses, and according to the assumptions that establish a middle point between the aforementioned theories, instincts are divided into vital, social, cultural and pleasure.

What are instincts for?

Instincts are known as innate and unlearned behaviors that serve to make human beings respond to certain stimuli and to have the natural ability to quickly and easily perceive something.

What is the world of instincts according to Freud?

For Sigmund Freud, instincts are forms of tension inherent to psychic energy, but this is perceived more as a need that the human being has, than as a natural behavior that causes a stimulus, and this is due to the fact that in his theory, social activities and mental phenomena are determined thanks to the recurrent failure that an individual has to diminish said stimuli.

What is the difference between instinctive and learned behavior?

The difference between these two is that instinctual behavior is hereditary, which is why each human being possesses it, on the other hand, learned behavior is the one that not all people have equally, because it is developed in the course of life.