Instructor is the person who has the profession of instructing people in the execution of a methodology or functionThis word has an etymological origin from the Latin "instruere" which means the transmission of a doctrine in a systematic way, fulfilling one or more objectives already set; To accomplish this, the instructor must be scientifically, artistically and technically trained and thus be able to teach others the techniques needed to perform a function. The instructors are not only those men or women who transmit information necessary for the execution of a technique, it is also considered an instructor to those apparatus manuals that indicate how to handle said equipment, in other words everything that provides information necessary for the management of a apparatus or performance of a task will be considered an instructor.
Instructor is one of the terms widely used in the military area to refer to the person who has the ability to instruct their minors on the carrying and handling of weapons, as well as different care of vital areas for the body, exercise of movements and other techniques used in a hand-to-hand combat with a person who attacks him. Another area where an instructor is usually spoken of is in sports, being the person who trains an entire team through exercises and game techniques to face another team in a contest, the instructor or coach is the one who encourages his team so that they stay on the path of beating the opponents.