
What is an invention? »Its definition and meaning


The word Invento comes from the Latin "Inventus" , and this in turn is composed of the prefix (In, which means inward) and (ventus, which means to come) but the meaning that was given to this word was interpreted as something new that comes or is found within a person, that is, that thought that a subject may have for the first time.

This word has different points of view, because it can become in the first part a thought or the imagination of an individual, however it is not recognized as such until it is materialized, therefore in the second place an invention can perceived as an action or process, in which what has been thought or imagined is made manifest and thirdly as an object, that is, the physical, visible and palpable result of what was once only in the mind of a person.

An invention has the particular characteristics of being unique and innovative; inventing consists of discovering and in turn making something that no one else has known. As previously said, in most cases the invention comes from the creativity of the person, that is, they imagine it without having anything as a basis or particular inspiration, they simply thought about it and materialized it, but there are also other cases where the inventions are based on existing objects, but something is added or modified to make them something new.

Man has always had and will have needs to satisfy, and the way he has sought to do so is through the creation of new instruments, which were achieved thanks to his reasoning capacity, and as an immediate consequence of this, it has been possible to expand the limits of human knowledge, since it is showing something that was unknown until that moment. When these new tools are created, what is most sought is to facilitate all those tasks that we carry out in daily life.

The person who is dedicated to inventing is known as an inventor, great inventors in history are Benjamin Franklin, Isaac Newton and Alexander Gutenberg.