
What is ipso facto? »Its definition and meaning


Ipso Facto, according to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy is a term that comes from the Latin language, which describes an immediate movement: By the fact itself, immediately, on the spot. Its use is generally given by circumstances in which the urgency and the need for the action to be carried out are present. A clear example of the application of this word in common life is " I want my money IPSO FACTO " that is to say "I want my money at this precise moment", the phrase by itself, by itself has an etymological force that describes immediacy, although it is imprecise to affirm that this is the case, since the little reference to its origins leads us down a single path.

Although it is true that when a word has a common meaning, people tend to pass on the information for generations, which leads to a degradation of the real meaning. Such is the case of " Ipso Facto " which was created with a purely legal purpose. Actually it means " Due to this fact " and it serves to indicate an event in which an action taken caused repercussions in the case under study. When a key witness or evidence is presented who is able to describe in detail and explain why the event occurred then we speak of an "Ipso Facto"

This term, already established by the common language as " Immediately " and in the legal field as "By virtue of the Law" has a negative variant known as " Ipso Iure or Ipso Jure " that explains how a situation can be intervened, making known the consequences without the occurrence of the acts described. Its translation is " At the moment " and is established in sentences such as "At the time, it could have happened that the deal was effective, but not"

Las disposiciones de estas frases marcan importancia en el ámbito jurídico, son propias de la conexión habitual en casos que requieren un paso a paso de los hechos, sin embargo, no deja de ser trascendental el uso que se le ha dado en la vida cotidiana y la representación obtenida gracias a la forma en la que se expresa con gran facilidad.