
What is Islamism? »Its definition and meaning


Islamism can be described as an ideology that demands man's full adherence to the sacred law of Islam; This also includes a set or group of ideologies that maintain that the Islam religion should guide socially and politically, as well as in personal life. Islamism is a controversial term whose definition may vary from time to time. Next, Islamism as a political phenomenon includes various Islamic political parties that support certain democratic and moderate elements, up to a series of radical and extreme proposals of a Salafist nature, classified as jihadists.

According to the famous dictionary of the Spanish language Islamism can be denoted as a synonym for "Islam". Islamism rejects as much outside influence as possible, with a few exceptions (such as access to military and medical technology). He is infused with a deep antagonism towards non-Muslims and has a particular hostility towards the West. This amounts to an effort to turn Islam, a religion and civilization, into an ideology.

Islamism turns the fragments within Islam that have to do with politics, economics, and military affairs into a sustained and systematic program. Islamist opinions emphasize the application of sharia which is Islamic law; of pan-Islamic political unity; and of the selective elimination of non-Muslim Western military, economic, political, social, or cultural influences, especially in the Muslim world which they believe is incompatible with Islam.

Islamism is also a total transformation of traditional Islam; It serves as a vehicle for modernization. The famous French scholar Olivier Roy says, "Instead of a reaction against the modernization of Muslim societies, Islamism is a product of it." Islam is not a medieval program but it responds to the stresses and strains of the 20th century.