
What is ius civile? »Its definition and meaning


Ius civile, also known as Quiritary Law or Law of the Quirites, is a term from Latin, which means “citizen law” or “civil law”, and they were that set of common laws that were applied to citizens in Antigua Rome. In Roman law, this term has great relevance, since these laws governed the relations between Roman citizens. Each people that is governed by certain customs and laws, uses its own law in part, and in another part to the common law of all men; Since each town establishes a right for itself, and that is its own, it is described as a civil right, that is, it is typical of the city.

This ancient Roman law, ius civili, was manifested through laws, senateconsults, customs and plebiscites deployed by priestly and secular jurisprudence.. Justinian, one of the emperors of the Roman Empire who tried to relocate the prosperity of the Old Empire to the territories of the West, determined that private law can be divided into civil law, natural law, and people law. The civil law or ius civile that is the one that is studied, and describes the legal norms of each town or state; the ius gentium or of people, which is the common right of each people without making a difference between nationalities; and the ius naturale, which according to the Emperor Justinian, is what nature teaches each and every one of the animated beings, this natural right was never legislated, but it was constituted by a set of principles that nature itself assiduously inspires in the man about good and evil.