It is a growth in the metatarsophalangeal joint that occurs when the bone or tissue of the metatarsophalangeal joint moves, which forces the finger to bend towards the other fingers, generating a lump of bones, which can commonly cause pain in the affected foot. Because the big toe joint tends to bear much of the body's weight when walking, bunions can be very painful if not applied and treated. Even reaching the point where the joint becomes stiff and irritated, making it impossible for the subject to use footwear.
There are several causes to which they are responsible for the appearance of bunions, some of them are:
- Incorrect use of footwear, this occurs when the shoe causes pressure on the toes, causing the movement of the fingers to be affected. The excessive use of heels can also influence the appearance of bunions for the same cause.
- Defects in the mechanical structure of the foot due to hereditary factors. What causes the person to not be able to walk correctly and in the process of the appearance of bunions.
- Another cause is what is called the Egyptian foot, it is when the big toe of the foot has greater length with respect to the other fingers. The flat foot is one of the most common causes.
- There are pathologies that usually deform the bones, such is the case of arthritis, which in many cases can end up causing the appearance of bunions.
The symptoms in this pathology can include calluses in the internal region of the big toe, a bulge in the articular region of the finger, which can affect the movement of the finger, the pain in the joint can be quite strong and with the use of Footwear can become unbearable, rotation of the toe towards the other toes, often causing it to be placed on top of the second toe, causing the appearance of the callus where both fingers meet. In general, specialists can diagnose the presence of bunions just by looking at the area, however, through X-rays, a more detailed perspective of the problem can be observed.