
What is jurisprudence? »Its definition and meaning


Its name comes from the Latin iuris prudentĭ , which means “knowledge of the law”. It is the science of law or legal doctrine that governs each country and is used by the Supreme Court in its way of interpreting and applying the Law. In it, the constant and uniform criterion for the application of the law is raised to legal norm, either interpreting or replacing the gaps in it, based on the practices of the same or similar cases. In other words, jurisprudence is the science of laws, their interpretation in case of doubt and their application.

Some branches of jurisprudence include natural law, normative jurisprudence, and analytical jurisprudence. The first is a school of legal philosophy that believes that there are certain innate laws that are common to all human societies, whether or not they are exhibited in legal matters. Normative jurisprudence is related to the objective of legal systems, and what type of laws is appropriate; and analytics is the study of law in neutral terms, in an impartial way, unlike natural law, which evaluates legal systems and laws within the framework of natural law theory.

In some countries, jurisprudence is viewed and addressed in different ways; in Italy it is designated as the science of law in a general sense, its law faculties are called facoltà de Giurisprudenza. While in Spain, it is considered as a constant and uniform criterion for applying the rules by a court.