Is called Kurdish to the inhabitants of the mountainous region of Kurdistan, is also the official name of the language (dialect) in that part of the world is spoken, this town represents an ethnic minority of large size, it ranks among one of the most greats of the world included. Kurdistan, the people of the Kurds, does not have an established demographic as a country, on the contrary, as an ethnic people, it has settlements in 5 Middle Eastern countries: Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Syria and Armenia., the largest of these, is in Southeast Turkey, with an approximate population of 24 million.
The Kurdish people are a civilization rich in Muslim culture, the religion they profess is adapted to the region in which they are found, other religious manifestations are almost completely extinct, although they speak a different language, they are considered a Indo-European people since the languages they speak come from different types of miscegenation in which the customs and traditions of a part of what was once an extreme panguea are combined. Kurds in history are mired in a constant territorial disputeSince in 1920 the formation of the state of Kurdistan was proposed, however the Kurds decided to separate their political union into those who wanted to be part of Turkey and those who wanted to become independent, in the midst of this problem, the treaty of Sèvres, it stipulated a specific region for them, but it was replaced by the Treaty of Lausanne in which the Turks seized the region that corresponded to Turkey according to the Treaty of Sèvres and were distributed in the 5 nations mentioned above.
The Kurds are a giant population, we speak of almost 50 million inhabitants, with more than 10 languages derived from Kurdish, these are Kurmanji, spoken in the area of Turkey, in the Iranian settlements Sorani and Kurmani are spoken and in Armenian the Kurds They speak Armenian since this is where the least Kurdish population exists. Today they are still mired in the same conflict in the current Middle East, a war for oil and minerals extracted from these regions.