A footman is the common name for a servant in livery, whose main job was to accompany his boss on foot, on horseback, or by car. In times past, this character was a servant who accompanied his master to all military, political, or social gatherings, no matter how, that is, he could move on foot walking in front of the cavalry, on horseback or using any other means of transportation. It should be noted that the lackey was different from the servant itself, due to the fact that the servant was a useful element within what was domestic service, whereas the lackeys were worth as ostentatious figures in the worldly life of the wealthiest people of the time. Following this same line, inEurope during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries established the time of the feudal lords, and at that time while more lackeys accompanied the master, it was a symbol of the wealth and power that said master possessed.
These individuals were characterized by their good looks, always dressed in their liveries and fine silk, and by the fact that their functions were of great importance, they received a solid cultural education, so that in social events they could perform some musical performance, recite verses, or also interpret some instrument. On the other hand, within the military world, lackey is the name with which a foot soldier was designated , who accompanied a knight in war and who was also characterized by carrying a crossbow.
Today the term lackey is used in colloquial language to designate a man without dignity, servile, who lowers himself, and humiliates himself by simple speculation. This term is closely related to employees, especially those who are part of the public administration of a country, who are normally subjected to all work and humiliation by the employer, in order to win the favor of their superiors, and to have someone of power, to ensure their continuity in the position.