
What is stoning? »Its definition and meaning


It is a method of execution used in ancient times, which consisted of the murder of a person by stoning by those who attended the trial or act of execution, according to experts this form of death occurred very slowly, which generated great suffering to the convicted person, which is why over the years and with the advent of human rights, stoning was ruled out as a form of execution. However, there are currently countries where this form of execution is still allowed.

The origin of this very violent form of execution dates back to the Old Testament, where it is written that the prophet Moses had said that God recommended stoning as a way to punish people who blasphemed against him and for those women who did not virgins will come to the marriage, while in the New Testament according to him the Gospel of the Apostle John is described as Jesus saved a prostitute from being killed by stoning. In Islam this practice was introduced during the time of Caliph Omar, who argued that the verse describing the stone rain still existed in the Koran. As a way to punish adulterers, such a verse does not exist, which is why this form of punishment has so few followers.

In countries of Asia, the Middle East and Africa, stoning is still practiced as a punishment for those who are adulterous, generally the act is carried out in public places, the victim is buried up to the neck or, failing that, is tied to immobilize, also His face is covered in order to avoid observing the effects caused by the throwing of the stones, which are directed towards the accused by a crowd that surrounds him.

Some of the most recent cases of which we have knowledge are the stoning of Aisha Ibrahim Duhulow, a 13-year-old girl in Somalia, she was accused of adultery, however sources indicate that she had denounced that it had been a case of The rape was stoned by 50 men and after her body was unearthed it was found that she was still alive, so she was buried again to continue with the execution. Another case occurred in Sudan where 20-year-old Intisar Sharif Abdallah was accused of adultery, the trial was carried out in the Arabic language, a language that he did not speak and was denied the right to a lawyer, however with the help of Amnesty International the young woman was released.