Legislation refers to the entire set of laws established by the competent bodies that establish morals, ethics and good customs within a given society. The term is clearly generic, applied to any space of coexistence in the world, of course, the most notorious is federal legislation, which is responsible for ensuring the responsibilities and rights of the citizens of a nation, but in reality it is it can call all compendium of norms which must be respected by all equally.
What is legislation
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Legislation refers to a group of laws that allow the provision of a state or a matter. The expression comes from the Latin word legislatio.
Therefore, it is a rule book that makes it possible to organize life in a state. It refers to the legal regulation that governs which behaviors and actions are prohibited and which are those that can be admitted or those that by effect are mandatory in certain scenarios.
These regulations are written and approved by the competent authorities. Laws in this area are constituted so that in this way it is how it is directed in a region, city or country. Thanks to legislation, it is possible to protect rights, resolve conflicts and punish those who violate a mandate.
The computer legislation establishes rules and conventions that regulate the handling of information that can be found on electronic devices, on the Internet and / or any other digital medium linked to the crimes committed due to the improper use of these, additionally, it monitors everything related to copyright and intellectual property.
It is extremely important that laws exist, because if you lived in a society without them, and everyone would act as they wished, the whole society would be in great chaos, and there would be great conflicts between people.
Educational and university legislation, for example, is made up of a group of laws that establishes the rules by which the directors of educational institutions must be guided in order to direct both teachers, students and representatives, to carry out the good functioning of the educational system. It is in them where the rights and duties that they have taken upon becoming members of said institution are reflected.
The word is also usually used as a synonym for the word law or it can also be used to refer to a legal system.
There are two basic definitions about the origin of the legal system. On the one hand, there is the normative movement that indicates that the regulation is expressed in a group of laws that are governed and understood as a series of beliefs, values and convictions judgments.
And on the other hand, there is the institutional movement that expresses that laws are established by society and by those systems that produce and apply them, as well as by all those institutions and enforcement regulations.
In another area, it is also understood as the study of laws. The theory of jurisprudence and law that is part of this subject dedicated to studying, systematizing and interpreting the legal regulations so that it can be implemented with justice.
Customs legislation is one of the most important in a country, since it is the group of regulations and legal provisions related to the export, import, circulation and storage of goods, whose use is exclusively intended for customs, as well as any proposed law. within your interests.
This concept, apart from being laws to direct and govern society, are also used and applied to punish all those who commit an offense. In nursing legislation, for example, nursing professionals are responsible for the offenses they commit during their working hours, which will be punished through a penal code.
Characteristics of legislation
There are several outstanding characteristics of this, which are:
- It is a set of rules that regulate and determine a subject or region.
- Regulates human behavior.
- It is created and maintained by the state.
- It has a certain stability, fixity and uniformity.
- It is backed by a coercive authority.
- Its violation leads to punishment and sanctions for those who break the law.
- It is an expression of the will of the people and is generally written to give it definition.
- It is related to the concept of sovereignty, which is the most important element of the State.
- It establishes the protection of the rights and duties of all.
Examples of legislation
Environmental legislation
Also called environmental law, it is a complex group of conventions, treaties, regulations, statutes, and common law that, in a very extensive way, works to adjust the communication of society and the rest of the biophysical elements or the environment, with the purpose of reducing the impacts of human work, both on the environment and on society itself.
This arises from the need to respond to humanity about the environmental problems that arise, and most of them are caused by man, who has always wanted to subordinate nature.
Inducing and teaching human beings to regulate their conduct in order to safeguard and protect life is the job of education, but requiring such conduct through law and coercion are characteristic of law.
In each of the countries they have their own environmental laws. In this area in Mexico, for example, it currently establishes the following:
- General Law of Ecological Balance and Protection of the environment.
- National Waters Law.
- General Law of Sustainable Forest Development.
- General Wildlife Law.
- Sustainable Rural Development Law.
On the other hand, environmental law was developed as a logical response to the need to exploit natural resources in a context of sustainable use, rationality and protection of the environment. Its growth has been progressive and fast, gradually integrating into all legal areas and taking, in turn, its own independence as a system associated with almost all sciences.
Labor legislation
It is a group of norms and laws whose purpose is to regularize labor aspects, either to what the worker's rights refer, as well as his obligations, and it also applies to the employer.
Labor laws are a relatively new branch of law in relation to other branches because it emerged in the twentieth century after several years of claims and protests from labor sectors requesting an improvement in working conditions, security and stability.
There are 3 main labor laws:
1. Collective labor law: it orders the links between the workers and the employer gathered in associations, whether they are trade unions or not. Today a new definition of labor law is enshrined that subordinates individual work relationships to group relationships where common interest prevails over individual interest, with the purpose of strengthening labor organizations.
2. Individual labor law: it is an individual called a worker who is obliged to provide a personal service to another person called an employer, under the dependence of this employer, who at the same time is obliged to pay the employee for his services rendered., with an adequate payment.
3. Social security law: refers to the payments that the employer makes to the worker in services, money or benefits, with the purpose of covering the dangers associated with accidents or occupational diseases, health, disability, old age or death of this, which occur during working hours.
- Minimum wage legislation: in this asset, there is minimum wage legislation, which is one that regulates the amount to be established for the payment of the minimum wage in each country. Before establishing this amount, the cost of living, the type of work, among other determining aspects must be taken into account. This has positive aspects, such as a decrease in poorly paid work or an increase in productivity; and negatives such as increased unemployment, increased informal economy, increased prices of basic products and services.
Military legislation
It is the group of laws that regulate the organization, maintenance and functions of the Armed institutions, for the fulfillment of their purposes, mandated to serve and defend the homeland.
Although military law is usually linked with the laws that criminalize military violations (and that make up the military criminal law, as well as its disciplinary regime).
It also puts order to the individual conduct of the soldier, the duties of the members of the army, the mutual connection of military personnel, their relations with society and with other organs of the State and, lastly, the functioning and organization of the armed forces.
It also has its own jurisdictional institution, so it also has to regulate its own procedural law.
Customs legislation
These types of statutes establish the rules and parameters to be followed regarding the import and export of merchandise, as well as the length of stay that it has in these public offices belonging to the government, and all the taxes that this generates. This regulates and controls the processes of import, export, nationalization, as well as imposes the appropriate sanctions in the event that any of the actors in these processes incurs irregularities.
In addition to this, it also regulates health regulations regarding cargo, since many shipments may include substances of animal, human or plant origin; establishes security measures; and it establishes what elements are prohibited from entering the country according to its legal statutes.
Commercial legislation
It refers to the set of regulations that govern businesses, their merchants and the action of marketing a product or service. This seeks to indicate what obligations and rights merchants and buyers have, so that there is a fair exchange and within the framework of the law.
This helps to keep prices in a fair range, in addition, it promotes the financial stability of a country. It ensures the interests of both consumers and businessmen, it allows to set aside the regulations of the public powers as it forms part of a private right in the relationship of both actors in commercial transactions.