Etymologically the word lenocinio derives from the Latin “lenocinĭum”, this alludes to the act of pandering and the office of pimp. The term lenocinio can be defined as the action that is carried out when serving or inducing a woman for the obscene or lustful treatment with a man; therefore they tend to call brothels houses of lenocy or tolerance. Then the lust is all that activity that is based on intervening so that all hidden love or sexual relationships are possible; which should be noted that this activity or trade is part of the crime of corruption.
Lenocy and prostitution are closely related, prostitution is the act of participating or performing sexual activities, and this consists of the sale of certain sexual services in exchange for money, or any other type of remuneration. The word prostitution comes from the Latin “prostitutĭo” from the verb “prostituere” which means “to publicly expose and sell merchandise” that is to say that the word refers to the sale or public exhibition of something.
It should be noted that lenocy in a general sense implies or supposes instigating, inculcating and inducing through threats, promises or even simply with words in order for a woman to agree to satisfy the dark sexual and lustful acts of a particular man. Finally, it can be affirmed that lenocination is the act by which a man and a woman mate for sinful purposes and this act resides there, which in many countries is sanctioned and is an illicit activity; but it also serves to describe the person who serves as a mediator for this act to take place.