
What is against humanity? »Its definition and meaning


It is all that mistreatment, torture or humiliation against people, "Lesa" means injury, so when placed with the term humanity, it means, injury, harm to humanity. In universal history, they have shown us that in each era, in each moment that has transcended in time, there have been crimes and attacks against millions of people, the reasons are diverse, religious, cultural, even demographic, the important thing is that whoever commits a crime against humanity is committing one of the most severe crimes that has existed in society.

Crimes against humanity have been committed in the world in the name of many trends, the most popular have been those for mandates or religious and extreme issues. The secrecy of some divine beliefs was punishable by death and torture in all its forms. In fact, the punishments that are imposed on women in Eastern culture are considered by Western society as a crime of this type that in international courts would be punished with imprisonment with life imprisonment, however, due to the incompatibility of traditions and the way of life they have is kept somewhat "isolated" from the rest of the world.

It is also common to see how political personalities in the world are judged for crimes against humanity committed under their mandate. Many presidents, including some Latin Americans, have been tried for being the masterminds of acts of torture, murder, and political persecution for the simple fact of sharing a political ideal or belief. Crimes against humanity are an accentuated evil in contemporary world history., with flashing dots on the timeline by world wars and between countries that have consumed today's society.

Hoy en día el narcotráfico, las guerrillas paramilitares y los gobiernos corruptos cometen todo tipo de vejaciones y atentados entre sus similares o entre sí mismos. A pesar de que existen legislaciones que tocan estos casos incluso a nivel de organismos que buscan la paz entre países como la ONU siguen reportándose casos de daños severos contra las personas del mundo.