
What is locution? »Its definition and meaning


A phrase in the sense of a way of speaking, a word that comes from the Latin " locutionis " occurs grammatically when two or more words are combined in a stable way, forming a syntactic construction with its own meaning, regardless of the individual meaning of words that it's made of.

According to the grammatical functioning available, we can find different types of phrases: The adjective phrase that corresponds to the adjective, the adverbial that works as an adverb, the conjunctive that corresponds to a conjunction, determinative, propositional, verbal, pronominal and nominal.

The phrases are widely used in our daily life; Probably, many times we do not realize that we are using one, but we do it with recurrence. For example, when we say goodbye or say hello to someone, we usually use phrases, among the most common are: good morning, see you later, see you, good night, among others.

The locution as mentioned above is the way to speak professionally and is made up of several elements that are the following:

  • Articulation: way of pronouncing words clearly, if it is not gestured, it is not understood.
  • Diction: correct pronunciation of words (linked to pronunciation).
  • Fluency: knowledge of the subject, which we master so much.
  • Intonation: goes hand in hand with tone and enodulation, and is the degree of elevation of the voice that indicates feelings.
  • Pitch - modulation: pitch of sound.
  • Timbre: what differentiates one voice from the other, not all voices are the same, but they are similar.
  • Vocalization: pronounce each one of the vowels of the word.
  • Voice projection: it is the wave that travels through the air.
  • Pauses: allow you to take a breath to continue and comply with each of the elements.
  • Dissertation: this is the topic that is being discussed.