Maturation is known as the process by which any living being that grows and develops until it reaches its point of maximum fullness goes through. Maturation is a slow process since it does not happen from one moment to another, but rather occurs from the unleashing of certain elements and events. For example, maturation in some cases can last brief moments as it is in the case of insects, while in other living beings it can even last up to years as in the case of humans.
It can be said that all living beings go through a maturation process that makes them come out of their most fragile and vulnerable stage until they reach their final stage.
When talking about the maturation of human beings, specialists have marked different stages, the first of which is childhood, which is the one in which children are defenseless, fragile and must have the care of an adult to be safe and secure. survive. Childhood is considered up to ten years since from that moment it is said that the child already enters the stage of puberty and preadolescence. At this moment is where they begin to develop certain autonomies and begin to question the world around them. Perhaps it can be said that adolescence is the last part of maturationthe one in which the individual finishes forming his identity, his interests and faces his fears, insecurities, among others. In order to finally enter maturity.
In general, most people associate maturity with age that the older, the more mature, and that is not the case, the only certainty is that age does have something to do with maturity since our psychological, intellectual, physical and Spiritual is verified with the passing of the years. However, age is not a determining factor, since there are irresponsible octogenarians as well as fourteen-year-old adolescents with a high level of maturity. A simple glance at the problems that surround society today is enough to realize that not everyone over the age of twenty-five is truly mature.