The philosopher Aristotle in his ethics comments that the magnanimous man is that just man capable of setting the highest goals that allow him to perfect himself as a person. He is a righteous person who acts according to virtue.
The magnanimous is a person who is aware of his way of being and of his personal value, he also has great self-esteem. On the human level, as Aristotle explains, there is also the case of the insatiable man, who is considered a magnanimous man when, in reality, he does not have such a noble essence. Smallness of the spirit is opposed to magnanimity, that is, to the greatness of the soul.
But nevertheless; Magnanimity as a personal worth requires that we give ourselves more than we normally give. Being a purely spiritual value does not refer to material matters. Many people confuse this value with giving more alms or being more splendid in Christmas gifts. None of that, magnanimity is the value that makes the heart large and the beat of your heart accelerate when we have carried out an action of human help.
The victims of the railway catastrophe this summer in Santiago de Compostela had the enormous relief of many magnanimous people who gave themselves to help during the long night of the accident. In a spontaneous, natural and responsible way, these people gave us a clear example of how useful we can be in times when money is useless. It is the good hearts of the people of the small town of Angrois who, filled with spiritual wealth, have demonstrated the value of magnanimity.