It is a degenerative disease, which is produced by the death of neurons that contain substantia nigra, which transmit dopamine. Dopamine is a new transmitter in circuits whose function is to control body movement.When there is a reduction in dopamine, the information of the basal ganglia circuit is altered, thus producing tremors, rigidity, slowness of movements and postural instability, among others..
People suffering from Parkinson's suffer the death or degeneration of dopamine reproductive cells, due to genetic factors. Trauma to the skull or contact with toxic substances can also trigger this disease. Symptoms at the beginning of the disease are mild in most cases, the first manifestations are muscle stiffness and tremor in some part of the body that then increases until movements are slower than normal and lead to performed awkwardly and with difficulty. In the most advanced phase, symptoms related to muscle disorders are seen, such as changes in voice tone due to altered larynx and absence of facial expression.
To detect Parkinson's disease, there are a number of characteristics that allow us to differentiate a Parkinson's tremor or tremors due to other injuries or emotional states. In the case of the disease as such, the tremor predominates when the muscles are at rest, thus decreasing some movement and disappearing completely during sleep, there are cases where the person drags a foot, it makes it difficult to write and experiences long-lasting depressive symptoms..
To detect this disease, only relevant tests should be performed only then it can be diagnosed. This disease can cause mental damage by 30 percent and memory loss. It even affects 1 in 100 people over 65. The life expectancy of a Parkinson's patient is the same as that of a healthy person. they can live the same number of years, despite the lack of coordination and rigidity. Despite medical advances, this degenerative disease still has no insurance, only treatments that can control tremors and unconscious movements of the affected patient.