It is that condition that animals or humans may present, in which the body is not receiving the necessary nutrients to be able to carry out its activities in a normal way or, on the contrary, an excessive amount of them is received, as a consequence of not having a balanced diet.
Commonly, the term is confused with “malnutrition” , which is defined as the situation in which the affected individual is not being well fed and, therefore, cannot produce energy; This means that the body uses the accumulated fat available to remain stable in all its processes, making the patient very thin and weak.
This disease has two faces: malnutrition and the exaggerated stimulus of eating, the first, explained above, causes 6 million deaths in children every year, due to the lack of resources in excluded countries, as well as the irresponsibility on the part of those in charge of caring for infants; the second, in the same way, is very serious, since it is a common cause of obesity, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, hypertension and cancer; Its modus operandi is simple: it stops the body from striving for energy, since it has a lot of accumulated fat, slowing down the metabolism.
It is known, with certainty, that obesity is sweeping and it is estimated that there are at least 1 billion people with this condition. Some scholars of the subject agree that you are moving from a world with undernourished people to one full of overweight. Even so, hunger has not been eradicated on the planet and it is a phenomenon without explanation, because twice the necessary food is produced, that is, it can feed the entire world population multiplied by two.