It is an express and explicit order, which leads to an action to be carried out, the power that is given to a person with authority, hired, an action carried out by another person by order of another even if it is not his choice or decision to carry it out, the mandate can be representative by someone of power and of law, in case when he is freely chosen by voters to be the representation of those who chose him as their image, it becomes imperative when this individual is granted all kinds of authority to choose and carry out the actions, acting freely and for the benefit of the needs of its clients and is limiting when it only has little power to do them because it belongs to a minor position of law.
There is talk of a commercial mandate when it is a contract where one or more people commit or are obliged to capture an order, when managing a lawful business either their own or governed by another, reaching special cases such as Special Mandate, where It gives him all the authority to manage said business, representing the owner in its entirety and with absolute power. The nature of a mandate is usually urgent and quick to carry out, leading to immediate actions such as in the political, religious, legal, civil, commercial or personal sphere; for having the ability to assume this important position either of free choice or by imposition, getting the best benefit, in order, using influences and specifying a plan to continue to move forward with what has been agreed and the purposes imposed by law.
The mandates are always under an advance plan, which is taken to a discussion forum to accept the changes and calculate the pros and cons of taking them into action, since they represent a modification on what had previously been done in a system that it is no longer functional. In the religious sphere, Christian education is a mandate from God, which the representatives of the faith here on earth must apply in the churches or in any doctrine that is followed, being a divine law it is a permanent norm when committing to Christ as Lord, announcing faith in him by making disciples as a primary mandate, baptizing them as believers who in turn keep this legacy of faith in their hearts.