The Meiosis is a complex process of cell division closely related to sexual reproduction. This mechanism of evolution consists basically in the duplication of the cell, meiosis comprises the fact that the cellular organism separates into two and then this into two more, in the process of metamorphosis, the new part generated is formed and evolves into another Likewise, with the same characteristics, functions and identity, this is the cellular process of formation of gametes (sperm and ovules). The reproductive organ is the place where Meiosis makes its main appearance.
The Meiosis process is successive, the first stage of separation (In two parts) turns the cell into a diploid, but immediately the second stage begins in which the cell acquires the haploid name and it is already in four parts in which it is divided the stem cell. This process enables the mass production of the main components that are exchanged in sexual intercourse for creation.
The scientific study has classified the process in four stages, which we will state and explain below:
1) Interface: at this stage the DNA acquires the property of separating in two, so it increases its size and is visible in the behavior of the cell which creates a kind of dividing line to separate. It is the beginning of meiosis.
2) Prophase: The molecular chromosomes cross, giving way to the identity of each of the parts to be separated, the cell membrane disappears, the diploid is now ready to take shape.
3) Anaphase: The independence of the pairs of chromosomes, they choose to go to the pole of the new cell body that is formed and make their new life, the process almost culminates.
4) Telophase: Last stage in which the cell membrane is formed separately in each of the new cells created, and at this stage each has its own genetic material, being independent of each one, proceeds to the formation the state of function and the production of more cells by the same meiosis process.