
What is myopia? »Its definition and meaning

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The myopia occurs in people with refractive distant objects, this happens perceived blur because the image is formed in front of the retina, it may be because the eye is too long, or because the lens and cornea are very strong. This vision problem has become the most common in recent decades. Although the cause of the increase in people suffering from myopia is not known, many professionals attribute it to eye fatigue, caused by indiscriminate use of computers and other activities that require prolonged use of near vision.

Characteristics of myopia.

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  • The main characteristic of a myopic person (called in this way the person who suffers from myopia) is not to see objects clearly at a distance, but will be able to see clearly everything that needs to be done up close, for example, use the computer, read.
  • When the nearsighted person usually squint to see clearly.
  • Suffering from eye strain and headaches.
  • Feeling fatigue when driving a vehicle or playing sports.
  • In children, it can be noticed that they are myopia when they squint to observe distant objects, as if they were making an effort to see clearly.

    Although it is not frequently, myopia can also be induced by alterations of the lens.


Myopia is classified according to its degree:

1. Simple myopia: being the most frequent, it arises as a result of biological variations and produces a correlation failure in the components of the eye, such as corneal curvature, axial length, and lens power.

The patient usually has 8-9 diopters. It usually appears in childhood or youth and stabilizes around the age of 21, after finishing the growth period.

2. High myopia: also known as pathological and progressive myopia, this type of patient has 9 or more diopters, sometimes it is related to degenerative problems of the retina, choroid or vitreous humor, there is a risk of detachment of the retina or a glaucoma.

This type of myopia progressively worsens, visual impairment causes the eye, even with the best correction, to see well. The degenerative myopia occurs when the eyeball thins and lengthens atrophying three layers, internal or retina, choroid also called middle and outer layer known as the sclera.

Risk factor's

Research carried out by scientists at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Germany has detected that there are risk factors related to myopia, which in combination with the environmental condition have contributed to the increase in this visual problem in recent years.

It has been determined that myopia can have hereditary origin, this according to studies carried out on siblings and relatives of patients with myopia. The disease has also been related to environmental influence and the use of technological equipment related to education.

Studies conducted on students have confirmed that the presence of myopia is related to verbal and non-verbal intelligence. This is due, according to scientific data, to the fact that there is an association between the size of the eyeball in relation to the size of the brain, a greater interest in reading which improves and develops cognitive abilities in these myopic patients.

The myopia is a disease so be checked regularly by an ophthalmologist. Graduate eyesight and thoroughly check the eye to detect any damage to the retina early and avoid future complications.

Myopia is a disease that increases particularly during childhood and adolescence. Studies have shown that one in ten children suffers from myopia and that it will grow above 6 diopters, that is, high myopia or high myopia in children, which is one of the pathological causes such as detachment of the retina and visual disabilities.

It is very important to take care of myopia in children, it is necessary to control it in order to prevent its increase. The growth period of myopia occurs between 7 and 17 years of age. The lack of knowledge of some parents about the different ways to monitor and control childhood myopia can cause an increase or progression of the disease. The use of glasses and glasses correct and limit childhood myopia.

The myopia in infants occurs, according to recent studies, when they sleep with the light on, especially those who have done so from birth to two years of life. It can be concluded that exposing babies to light during sleep can alter the development of the eye, during their first years of life, although the cause-effect has not yet been determined.

Symptoms of myopia.

  • The main symptom of myopia is the difficulty to distinguish objects at a long distance, due to blurred vision and squinting to distinguish.
  • Headaches.
  • An intense eye strain and red eyes.

Natural remedies to treat myopia.

The use of plants to stop myopia or delay its appearance is called herbal medicine. Its main objectives are: The protection of eye cells. Reduce eye strain. Make the circulation in the eyes improve.

The cranberry, has anti - inflammatory properties, contain anthocyanins, acting on the tension of the eye capillaries are very suitable and improve vision. An infusion of a tablespoon of this dried plant in a cup of water should be prepared at least three times a day. It is also advisable to consume the fruit in jams. The carrot is rich in vitamin A, with antioxidant properties that protects the sight. The carrot juice should be taken.

The following medicinal plants are endowed with anti-inflammatory properties ideal for the preparation of eye baths against myopia:

  • The horsetail, due to its anti-inflammatory properties, reduces ocular tension, 100 plants are cooked in a liter of water for 10 minutes, with this liquid eye baths should be performed, with wet compresses, in this way eye strain is decreased.
  • Chamomile, infusions of this silver applied with wet gauze, reduce ocular tension and strengthen the health of the eyes. Boil a tablespoon of dried chamomile flowers for 15 minutes in a cup of water.