
What is uniform circular motion? »Its definition and meaning


The Uniform Circular Movement is described with the same characteristics as the Uniform Rectilinear Movement, the only difference is that it is done in a straight line, while the MCU describes a circular path, this means that the movement that is being executed is constant in terms of speed and acceleration which is zero, however the direction that the object under study takes is different in the presence of a curved path joined at its ends.

Unlike the MRU, the Uniform Circular Motion works with variables and data according to the circle in which we study, we then rely on the relationship of the angle that the moving particle takes with respect to the center of origin which is located in the center of the circumference. In MCU a called Radian is used as a unit to define the displacement, which describes a distance that travels all around the circumference. The Uniform Circular Motion must be graphed in a Cartesian plane, however the curve must be expressed in terms of radians, fundamental versores (0, I, J) are responsible for measuring the angle and its amplitude in the circumference.

The angle must be measured in radians, however trigonometryplays a fundamental role in simplifying the result, this angle can also be measured in degrees which are conceived thanks to the complex use that can be given to degrees. In this way we can find the following data: The entire circumference measures a total of 2π (2Pi) radians or what is equal to 360º since the unit π (Pi) in this area is equivalent to 180º, half a circumference is equivalent to 1π or what 180º is the same, we can denote a quarter of a circumference as π / 2 or 90º and so on until we have, with the help of trigonometry, a complete field of angles for the study. In everyday life this movement has a very diverse application, typical of those objects that describe a lap of constant speed, such as a Ferris wheel, the plate of a microwave oven, among others.