
What is woman? »Its definition and meaning


Woman is the word used to define the human being of the female sex, whose genital anatomy is defined by having breasts, vagina, vulva, uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes, its opposite is man (male). In this classification, the stages of childhood, adolescence and adulthood can be taken into account, however it is more like using the term woman to refer to the person over 21 years of age, which is when they enter the stage of maturity both physically and mentally.

Biologically, who defines both female and male sex is the sperm, providing the chromosome (Y to define the man and X to define the woman). Despite the fact that men and women have very similar aspects in certain parts, there are many others where they differ, for example, women have a higher voice than men, larger breasts, smaller waist, more pronounced hips, less body hair, among others, in most cases they are smaller than men, which made them the weaker sex from some points of view.

What caused at the time that the social role of women was limited, fulfilling functions only of mother and wife; Today women have begun to occupy more relevant social roles that allow them to function in different areas, they are still mother and wife, but they can also be professionals, athletes, politicians, businesswomen and many other things. It can be said that in some way this was achieved thanks to feminism, which is an ideological trend that fights for gender equality and goes against machismo, so that both men and women have the same opportunities.

One of the most important roles that women have had under their power is reproductive and maternal labor, which has allowed the survival of the human race throughout history in different societies. It is the beginning of the menstrual period in the woman that allows her to continue this function, since it is at this moment that the beginning of the sexual cycle is represented.

The woman is aesthetically beautiful and flirtatious by nature.