Mural is nothing more than an image captured on a wall or wall, it comes from the Latin "murus" and "al" these two unions of both the noun and the suffix make what today we know as a mural.
The history of the murals comes from prehistoric times, a clear example of this were the paintings made in the caves that belonged to the Paleolithic era. These graphics were made with natural pigments such as resin. From that time they lasted to the present day, going through the so-called Gothic time and the Renaissance, the latter being of great importance for murals, since the painter Raphael made various works on the walls of the Vatican, such as the Sistine Chapel.
There are several characteristics that identify this type of work, but the most common is that the murals always contain a kind of story, that is, it tells a story, in colloquial language this is known as a still film.
The elaboration of a mural can vary depending on the technique used, an example of this is the so-called fresco, where the paint is placed on the plaster (thin, smooth and generally waterproof layers of construction materials) of the wall or wall that still wet. Dry is another technique for making murals, this consists of placing the paint on the dry wall.
Nowadays, there are many street artists, which are those who make urban murals or commonly called graffiti. This technique is based on painting walls of urban areas with aerosol, where those who do it seek to express a message, however this is a crime.