
What is the berlin wall? »Its definition and meaning


The Berlin Wall was a construction present in Germany from August 13, 1961 to November 9, 1989, dividing the nation into the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) and the Democratic Republic of Germany (GDR). This, according to the GDR or eastern bloc, dominated by the Soviets, served to isolate its citizens from fascism, which sought to make Germany a socialist state; however, this only had the function of preventing the massive emigration of the East German resident population. Over the years, the Berlin Wall has become one of the most important symbols of the Cold War, in addition to German separation.

The construction of this wall was part of a state secret. Months prior to August 13, 1961, Walter Ulbricht, president of the Council of State, stated that "There was no intention of building a wall"; however, with a series of meetings between the Communist Party, the Moscow Council and the Council of Ministers, it was concluded that the cordon off of the western Berlin zone and the Soviet Military Occupation zone was necessary. From the night of August 12 to August 13, the wall was almost completely established, the remaining small space being guarded by the socialist police; furthermore, all accesses to West Berlin were sealed and transport stopped.

While the wall existed, it claimed a considerable number of casualties, although the exact figures remain unknown. People who tried to cross it were shot. However, 28 years after its construction, on November 10, 1989, the Berlin Wall fell, after countless complaints to the former GDR, who begged for freedom. In Germany, this process was called "The Change "; eventually all travel restrictions were lifted and the German nation experienced a sense of unity.