
What is nymphomania? »Its definition and meaning


Nymphomania is an exaggerated sexual appetite of women, the limit of normality is not clearly defined, but it can be said that a sexual pathology exists if sexual concerns tend to dominate conscious thought even after the sexual act has been performed.

It is clear that both men and women are capable of experiencing sex addiction, however, the term nymphomania refers only and exclusively to them, which refers to the attitude of those people who have a very high sexual desire.

Since the criteria of normality in matters of sexuality continue to be governed by social conventions and since needs differ according to individuals, it is very delicate to determine what exactly nymphomania is.

According to psychologists and psychiatrists, it is a suffering linked to unbridled and unsatisfied sexual desire, despite the multiplication of relationships or the compulsive consumption of pornographic media. Don't mistake it for an appetite developed for carnal pleasures!

This unsatisfied search is like a dependency and needs treatment. On the other hand, we are now talking about sexual addiction or hypersexuality, and not nymphomania.

Among the main causes of nymphomania we can point to hormonal changes, sexual abuse, bipolar disorder and the use of drugs such as amphetamines and opiates.

Nymphomania is treated through: A psychotherapy: going to a professional to determine the origin of the behavior can help to get rid of sexual addiction and to be guilty.

Support groups: in the same way that alcoholics, bulimics and drug addicts have their association of help, people who suffer from hypersexuality also have theirs.

Under the guidance of a therapist, it is proposed to launch a 12-step program, as well as conversations with other participants. Everything is free and always with the respect of the sacred rule of anonymity.

You can also prescribe medical treatment to regulate the state of mind of the patient if you are depressed.

Some women see sex as the only way to have love and affection. It is an activity that consists of filling the emotional gaps.