
What is Nobelium? »Its definition and meaning


It is element number 102 on the periodic table, its symbol being No, its atomic weight 259 and it is within the chemical series of actinides. Like most of the compounds in its group, it is synthetic, that is, it is produced artificially, being the eleventh compound of the entire periodic system that possesses these characteristics, in addition to being the fourteenth actinide and the tenth as heavy as the uranium which can only be created from another core.

His name is a tribute to Alfred Nobel, a Swedish chemist who stood out for studying the types of gunpowder, explosives and inventing dynamite, in addition to imposing in his will the creation of the awards that bear his name, one of the most exclusive awards in the scientific and humanitarian field.

Previously, the No was called Unnilbio and its sign Unb; Mainly, it was discovered by a group of Russian scientists studying some chemical residues at the Flerov Laboratory for Nuclear Reactions, although it was only a superficial identification. Not much research has really been carried out on the compound, as it has only been possible to create atoms and this has not favored much experimentation; even so, it was observed that it manages to produce bivalent and trivalent ions.

It has no industrial applications (it is unknown in which processes it could enter or improve) and only three isotopes of it are known, these being 253-No, 255-No and 259-No. It can be disintegrated with the inclusion of alpha particles (double-charged Helium ions).