Norma is a word from the Latin "norm" that refers to "square", which was a type of rule used by carpenters to examine whether the pieces of wood are at a right angle or square, and when they are, they are told they are "normal" and when they are not, they are "abnormal". Usually it is understood by norm that law, precept, order, rule or set of them, that are imposed or established by some individual or entity in particular so that they are fulfilled by others, in a given time and space. In other words, a norm is a guideline or regulation that should be followed and taken into consideration, since it makes it possible to adjust some activities and behaviors.
These norms can be fixed or implanted to be fulfilled by the same subject that fixes them, which are called autonomous norms, an example of this are those of the ethical and moral; This refers to the fact that an individual can help someone in need because his own conscience leads him to that, since otherwise personal punishment occurs, which is known as remorse. That is why, over time, each society has established different social norms and laws that mostly have to do with the way we understand our world and everything that surrounds us, as well as how thinking and those values that are structured are structured. they are considered moral among others; thusEach norm implemented by said companies are characteristics and specific to that determined community, which are organized according to its interests and needs.
In the linguistic and grammatical field, a norm is that group of rules that agree or decree the correct and proper use of the language. A legal norm in law, is a legal precept established by a certain competent authority, in order to establish correct behavior, and a good coexistence between people; It should be noted that it is mandatory and failure to comply with it carries penalties.