
What is normative? »Its definition and meaning


The word normative refers to a set of norms, rules, or laws; regulations generally exist is within an organization. A regulation is the grouping of all those rules that are or may be applicable in a specific matter, taking into account that a rule is a legal precept or law that regulates the conduct of an individual in a given society or space, thus allowing regulation of certain activities, the rules must be respected by all those subjects to whom it is directed, otherwise, that is, non-compliance with the rule entails a sanction or penalty that must be fulfilled by the offender.

So when we talk about the regulations of an organization, reference is made to the conglomerate of statutes arranged in it, which are in charge of regulating both the subjects that belong to it and the activity itself that takes place in it, expressed in another way, it is known then that the organizational regulations control the proper and effective operation of the same. It is necessary that there is a regulation within a specific group or society, because it encompasses the behavior that each of its members must have, in order to facilitate cooperation between them and that there is a pleasant social coexistence for all.

The basic purpose of a regulation within a society or institution is to be able to structure all the areas that are handled within it, in addition to effectively organizing all its elements. It is important to implement a regulation within an organization because in this way the proposed goals can be satisfactorily achieved, it is therefore that without the establishment of policies and rules that regulate its activity it is very difficult for the group to carry out accomplish your goals.

The organizations or social groups always ensure that the rules therein established are met, because otherwise, ie if a person within the institution that does not comply with the rules, the entire organization can be affected both internally as externally.