The word Novohispano is used to refer to everything related to New Spain (currently Mexico), which means that in colonial times (after the discovery of America) the Republic of Mexico was called New Spain. So all the aspects that predominated during that stage were part of New Hispanism. For example, New Spanish culture, New Spanish literature, etc.
The province of New Spain, was part of the Spanish monarchy, founded in 1812 and despite bearing that name, it did not encompass the region of the old Viceroyalty of New Spain, it only included the territories of the State of Mexico, Puebla, Michoacán, Veracruz, Oaxaca, Tlaxcala and Querétaro.
This province had like capital to the city of Mexico, this being governed by a political leader, appointed by the king.
The society of New Spain was strongly differentiated in a racial, ethnic and social way. Where the peninsular race were those who held the best political and administrative positions, while the criollos (children of Spaniards born in America) were not taken into account. In the next position were the indigenous people who work in all kinds of activities: mining, agricultural or livestock. And last were the slaves, who were people of color brought from Africa to perform the most burdensome tasks.
The culture of New Spain was influenced by religion, since it was dominated by the church and was the absolute patrimony of Spaniards and Creoles. It was particularly a mestizo culture, which made great contributions to architecture, poetry, plastic arts, music, etc.
It is important to note that New Spanish architecture was characterized by religious buildings, with a plurality of styles. An example is the Cathedral of Mexico.