
What is an obituary? »Its definition and meaning


The word obituary is used to denote the registration of the dead, and is derived from the Latin word "obitus" which means "deceased", from which "obituarius" was derived in the sense of "relative to the dead."

Making a list of the dead is common as a daily newspaper ad, to inform the local community of the deceased that day or the day before, so that acquaintances of the deceased and / or his family can send their condolences or accompany the deceased towards the place where it will rest forever. Anniversaries of the deaths and the masses and other honors are also announced in the newspapers that are made in memory of those who are no longer among the living. Generally, there is a special section called obituaries, obituaries or funeral notices.

The information can also be accompanied by a review of who that person was during his life, what he did, what family he created and what he stood for, to be able to remember him in some way and his merits, noting that his passage through the Earthly life. This is what is known as the obituary in the strict sense.

Obituaries are also made for administrative purposes, to have a record of the dead, both in the parishes (in the parish books) and in public agencies to have a control, of the faithful who will no longer attend the first case; and of those who do not record or participate in electoral events, among other events that make public life.

Currently, social networks, especially Twitter, have become an ideal space in which any twitterer, usually publish the death of a famous person, and of course, the promptness and dissemination that these networks show today, a fantastic way they make it reach even the formal media that do not review it and publish it.

In the celebrations of the masses it is common that at a certain moment the priest mentions those who have recently died and who of course belonged to that ecclesiastical community, who were actively involved, or who were members of the family. The religious ask for the rest of their souls and also for their relatives so that they can come out of pain and feel more accompanied.