
What is oea? »Its definition and meaning


OAS is the acronym for the Organization of American States. The OAS is an institution in which the American countries constantly participate in meetings and assemblies in order to collaborate and reach cooperation agreements between the countries involved.

This is one of the main world-renowned institutions that involves countries with a single objective, promoting policies that defend human and labor rights and strengthening the ties of friendship that integrate America into one. The Organization of American States encourages the development of measures and plans with which support in social aspects is provided to the member regions that request it. There are countries with extreme friendship in which the integration agreements are greater and of better quality, all these agreements are destined to boost economies and also cultures.

The OAS declaration contemplates in its declaration that it will work tirelessly to strengthen ties between the countries that make up the Americas. The strengthening of peace, security, democracy, the promotion of human rights, both for majorities and minorities, also employs measures for the development of regions whose capacities are being limited victims of abuse by their members. governments. The OAS sends coordinated and surprise visits to the countries to monitor the correct operation of doctrines and respect for established laws.

The OAS has its official headquarters in the United States, in Washington DC, a beautiful building surrounded by the flags of the countries that comprise it, but each country has its office which is closely related to the parent company.