The word ontology comes from the Greek, lexically composed of two voices from the same language that are, "οντος" or "ontos" which means "being", plus "λóγος" or "logos" which means "science", "study "Or" theory. " The term appears in the RAE described as one of the bifurcations of metaphysics that studies being in general and all its transcendental properties. For its part, ontology can also be defined as one of the many branches of philosophy that deals with the analysis, study and investigation of the nature of being, in addition to its existence and reality, trying to specify its various fundamental entities and their relationships..
The great philosopher of Ancient Greece, Aristotle, called this science "first philosophy" and the other Greek philosopher Andronicus of Rhodes called it metaphysics. Years later, the famous German philosopher Christian Wolff called ontology the study of what is common to every being, both real and possible, that must be presented before the existing beings of a fact such as the world, GOD, soul.
The term is taken from philosophy, where an ontology is a systematic explanation of Existence. For artificial intelligence systems, what "exists" is what can be represented. When the knowledge of a domain is represented in a declarative formalism, the set of objects that can be represented is called the universe of discourse. This set of descriptive objects and the relationships between them are reflected in the vocabulary of representation with which a knowledge-based program represents knowledge.