
What is operation? »Its definition and meaning

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Operation is a term that comes from the Latin " Operatio ". Describes an action that involves manipulating a body or element into another with a different or improved function. It is also common to associate the term with the act of intervening surgically on a living being, an operation in this term implies the use of medical instruments and knowledge to cure or improve the physical condition of a clinical patient. The medical operations carry a great responsibility, only licensed medical professionals and certified by the institution concerned shall have the power to conduct surgical operations or surgeries.

What is an operation

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An operation can be a coordinated action in which the product or conclusion is neither mathematical nor scientific. In the military sphere, operations represent the set of actions carried out by disciplined persons in the handling or manipulation of instruments of war or weapons. A military operation can be to rescue hostages in a place where the enemies have them in custody, the conclusion of this operation can be, the hostages released and the kidnappers apprehended or killed.

When it comes to a medical operation , malicious tissue can be removed, prostheses, implants, or areas damaged by accidents or diseases can be repaired. In mathematics an algebraic operation consists of the application of a factor that converts the numbers or the elements starting from the formula applied and conjugated for their domain in the same field. The mathematical functions for example, has a number of conditions after being factored yield results and details that solve everyday technical problems or as applicable to the assessment by who operates or who corrects.

Mathematical operations have effects on the elementary shapes and structures described in the data provided by the books. Many exert on physics, chemistry and mathematics results already described, others contribute with research and support of scientific studies.

Commercial operations are the transactions that are carried out between the interested parties, the most common and basic, that of a seller and the buyer, in this operation, the seller offers a product at an established price and the buyer pays it, when delivering each who his part, seller product and buyer the payment, the operation is settled.

Why is surgery suspended

Different types of operation

There are several types of operations among them are: military or intelligence special operations, government operations, mathematical operations, commercial operations and medical operations.

Medical operations

They refer to surgical procedures, such as when they operate on appendicitis, when they perform a cesarean section, in one a small portion of the body is removed and in the other a baby or fetus must be removed from the womb, either of the two requires opening the body and is Wherever it is called an operation, there are many more performed by specialists in the field to cure, remove, attack or restore the patient's health condition. It is worth mentioning that, at present, there is a modality called laparoscopy that allows non-invasive operations to be carried out, facilitating and reducing the recovery time of the person. Among the operations are gallbladder operation, nose operation, sinus operation, eye operation, operation to not have children, operation jarocha.It is important to note that medical operations must be performed by professionals with medical degrees and specialization in surgery.

In the medical case, a large number of operations can be located that have become the most frequent in an operating room. Among them are appendectomy, biopsies, cesarean sections or coronary artery bypass.

Military or intelligence special operations

It is the systematic process of evaluation, collection and analysis of information. The activity consisting of obtaining, systematizing, gathering and analyzing information specific to threats, events, conflicts and risks that affect the security of the interior and exterior of the State or Nation, for example, what was seen in the film Operation Red Sparrow a person serving the government as a secret agent is a national intelligence operation.

Intelligence is understood as the knowledge obtained from the collection, processing, dissemination and exploitation of information, for decision-making in matters of national security. Process the information collected, determine its trend, value, meaning and specific interpretation, and formulate the conclusions derived from the corresponding evaluations, with the purpose of safeguarding the security of the country.

The military intelligence is the part of the intelligence that refers to the knowledge of the capabilities and weaknesses of the potential of countries that interest you from the point of view of national defense and the geographical environment of operational strategic areas by the Military strategic planning, for example Operation Barbarossa, Operation Condor, Operation Valkyrie. It is the result of collecting, evaluating and interpreting the available information that offers immediate value for the planning and conduct of military operations. Military intelligence encompasses combat intelligence, basic intelligence, strategic intelligence, and counterintelligence.

Government Operations

Government operations refer to the fiscal operations of the three levels of government according to the economic classification presented in the country. The three levels of government are defined according to the Manual of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) as follows:

  • Central government: central administration; decentralized entities; social security (public system).
  • General government : central government; municipalities (and states in the case of federal countries).
  • Non-financial public sector: general government; nonfinancial public companies.

However, each country has its own peculiarities and it often happens that its definition of central government, general government or non-financial public sector differs from the definition of the Monetary Investment Fund (IMF), for example, Operation Sagarpa is a program implemented in Mexico, where national development is sought, economic growth with a fair distribution of income and wealth to favor the agri-food sector, just like Operation Sader.

The economic classification aims to explain the economic impact of government transactions, in other words, the economic classification is of interest from the point of view of economic and financial analysis. Another type of classification of fiscal operations corresponds to the functional classification of public spending that focuses on the purpose or function for which the transactions are carried out. The functional classification allows evaluating the effectiveness of the expenses from the cost / benefit point of view.

For economic classification, the analytical framework used in the IMF manual groups government transactions into four main categories:

  • Total income and donations: all non-recoverable entries are included. Total income is classified as current (tax and non-tax income) and capital (sale of assets). Donations correspond to unilateral transfers received from other governments or international organizations.
  • Total expenses and net granting of the loan: All non-recoverable payments are included for operational purposes (current expenses) and for investments (capital expenses). The net granting of the loan is the balance between the loans granted by the government during the period less the income from repayment of loans granted in previous periods. This concept includes only loans linked to economic or social policy objectives (loans granted for reasons of liquidity or profit-making are not included).
  • Global result or global balance (fiscal deficit or surplus): corresponds to the difference between total income and donations, total expenditure and net granting of loans. If the difference is positive, it refers to a fiscal surplus, and if it is negative, it refers to a fiscal deficit. This concept measures the financial result of government operations (measures its financial position) and allows a first approximation of the impact of the public sector on the rest of the economy.
  • Financing: includes cash transactions and government deposits, as well as changes in financial assets and liabilities for liquidity purposes.

Mathematical operations

Mathematical operations refer to those known as: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, either with whole or fractional numbers, where a new element is obtained from two given elements. There are direct arithmetic or composition operations, such as addition, multiplication and power, and the inverse operations to them, which are subtraction, division, radication and logarithmation. The basic mathematical operations are:

addition subtraction multiplication division.

Operations with natural numbers, integers, with decimal numbers, with fractions, with rational numbers, with real numbers, with complex numbers, combined operations, operations with powers, with radicals, those that are used to solve square roots, operations with logarithms, with polynomials, with algebraic fractions, operations in the sexagesimal system, with angles, with monomials, with segments, operations with matrices and vectors.

Commercial operations

Commercial operations are the basic operations carried out by a company, such as: purchases, sales, collections and payments. A sale is called the operation by which a person (seller) transfers ownership of a good to another (buyer) by paying a price. The value of a good expressed in money is the price. Consequently, in the sale the price is the amount that the buyer agrees to pay the seller. When it comes to purchasing operations, it is the basic operation that encompasses a set of activities that tend to be necessary for the development of the company. You can buy different kinds of goods:
  • Long-lived, for company use: fixed assets (such as a desk) Long-lived goods represent the assets for the company and short-lived goods, that is, they are quickly consumed with use, input in the expense category.
  • Intended for sale: exchange goods (such as merchandise or supplies). The sale operation is one that encompasses a set of operations aimed at placing the product on the market and basically consists of:
    1. Determine the sale price.
    2. Find buyers.
    3. Establish lines of credit.
    4. Specify operations.
    5. Deliver the goods.
  • Short-term in the company: expenses (such as office supplies, cleaning products).
  • The basic collection operation is the activity through which it tries to receive the sums owed by customers and this activity involves the following stages:
    1. Keep track of accounts receivable.
    2. Claim what is owed.
    3. Receive the money or the values ​​that clients deliver
    4. Record the collection.

Examples of operations

There are many examples that can be given regarding operations, for example:

Example of medical operations

  • Breast biopsy : Biopsy is a diagnostic test that includes the removal of tissue or cells for examination under a microscope.
  • Carotid endoarterectomy: is a surgical procedure to remove the obstruction of the carotid arteries; These arteries are in the neck and carry blood to the brain.
  • Cataract surgery: they make the lenses of the eyes, normally transparent, cloud. Cataract surgery includes removal of the cloudy lens, which is replaced by a transparent artificial lens implant.
  • Cholecystectomy: Cholecystectomy is surgery to remove the gallbladder (pear-shaped sac located near the right lobe of the liver that contains bile).

Example of military operations

  • The NATO bombing of Yugoslavia: the operating cost was 43 billion dollars.
  • The Kosovo war ended with a 78-day NATO operation called Operation Allied Force, in which allied aircraft attacked military targets and civilian infrastructure in the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FSYR).
  • The combat coalition, made up of 34 countries and led by the United States, known as Desert Storm lasted 42 days and ended with the liberation of Kuwait and the withdrawal of Iraqi forces from the country.

Example of government operations

Several countries in the region have modified their accounting methodology with respect to government statistics:

  • Chile: The Budget Directorate (DIPRES) of the Ministry of Finance of Chile began in 2002 the process of adapting public finance statistics to the new 2001 Manual of Public Finance Statistics of the International Monetary Fund, which establishes the new regulations on the structure and coverage. and basis for the assessment of fiscal statistics. As of 2004, Chile officially applies the criteria of the new 2001 Manual for the central government and the general government.
  • Nicaragua: The Central Bank of Nicaragua, responsible for the dissemination of fiscal statistics, administers two accounting methodologies. The first methodology corresponds to the one used for publications and the Annual Report (intended for the general public): in data from the consolidated non-financial public sector.

Mathematical operations

In these operations addition, subtraction, multiplication example are solved:

Multiplication: 7 X 8: 56

Sum: 152 + 350

Subtraction: 350-152

Combined trade: 5 X (4 + 3) -8