Orfidal is a drug belonging to the brand name of lorazepam. It is an anxiolytic tranquilizer (prevents anxiety and nervousness) that acts without influencing the daily activities of the person. This is a relatively mild medicine, which serves to stabilize the mental state of the individual, managing to calm anxiety.
The orfidal has sedative properties, so it is highly recommended to treat the following cases: state of anxiety and tension, which can be related to functional or organic disorders, including anxiety caused by depression, and that linked to surgical procedures. In the same way, the orfidal is used to treat cases of sleep disorder.
Its commercial presentation is in 1mg tablets, which in general and depending on the level of anxiety, can be taken 1 to 3 times a day (this will be indicated by the treating physician) orally; reaching its maximum effect 2 hours after taking it. It can be taken with or without meals. It should be noted that this drug is only sold under medical prescription.
If for some reason the patient were to take orfidal more than the prescribed dose, it would not cause fatal consequences, but the person could fall into a coma. And if it is also taken in combination with other medications, the results could be much more serious.
It is important to note that if the patient takes orfidal consistently for a long time, it is likely that it will generate dependence on it, so to prevent this risk, it is recommended to take into account the following instructions:
It should only be taken if ordered by the doctor and not because it was recommended by a friend. Do not increase the dose recommended by the specialist, or extend the treatment more than indicated. Visit your doctor regularly so he can decide whether or not to continue treatment. The interruption of the medication should be gradual, as directed by the specialist.
The proper way to stop taking this tranquilizer is with medical supervision, it is recommended to go little by little, maintain a controlled diet and do exercises as this will help lower stress levels, in addition to having a daily exercise routine, It will allow you to fall asleep at night.