
What is orientation? »Its definition and meaning


This word comes from the verb orient, which has its origin in the Latin "oriri" whose meaning is "to be born". The word orient is derived from the east and that is where the sun is born, it turns out that when there was no technology, people were oriented according to the position of the sun, which rises every morning from the east (which is also called the east) and opposes from the west, and thus the location of someone or something at a given time and place could be more or less determined.

Orientation refers to the action of locating in a given place or geographic space and time, being able to simultaneously recognize these two variables, in addition to indicating the position of a thing and serving as a guide to be able to place an individual towards a unknown address, especially when he is lost in a foreign place.

When going through the period of childhood and adolescence, it is necessary that the adults around them, both their parents and their teachers, guide in the best possible way the path that each of these individuals should take, for example in their academic education. or school it is important that people feel guided and advised which path they should take, taking into account that their future profession is being chosen, it is not about deciding for them, but rather it is about helping them to be independent with their own selection criteria, but that they do it correctly.

There are cabinets of people whose function is to guide other people in different aspects of life, for example this job orientation, where the subject who is requesting help is analyzed to know what their preferences are and thus be able to indicate what the field will be in the one that according to their skills and abilities will be able to perform. There is also the legal orientation, in which legal advice is provided to people who require it, this type of orientation is given by lawyers. On the other hand, there is also the orientation in the consumption of healthy foods, budgetary orientation which is like a guide to avoid wasting money, first aid guidance to know how to act in a medical emergency, among others.