
What is career guidance? »Its definition and meaning


It has two different connotations, which depending on the point of view from which it is analyzed, its meaning varies. In the first place , the conceptualization of professional orientation is proposed, prior to the initiation of higher studies, which represents all those tools and activities, dedicated to guiding the person to select the profession that best suits their interests and vocations, so that he can make the best decisions about professional life.

On the other hand, there is a professional orientation focused on those who have already obtained their professional title and for some reason or another are unemployed, want to change jobs or get a better job (promotion). Thus, professional guidance consists of informing, advising and training people so that they can achieve optimal job placement or achieve professional development.

There are those who use vocational and professional orientation as synonyms. Although the two go hand in hand, in serving as a guide and help for young people who are eager to select the career they want to study, they have their differences.

Vocational guidance focuses on the vocations or vocations that an individual has and thus guide them in the insertion of higher studies, providing the young person with information about the career, what it consists of, where to study it and the activities that they will carry out when becoming a professional, while the professional orientation focuses on the interests of the individual, on the attitudes and aptitudes that he possesses to guide him to select the most suitable profession. It is said that vocational guidance includes career guidance.

La orientación profesional, busca que prever que la mundialización de los intercambios, la globalización general y en particular de las tecnologías, tengan un impacto negativo sobre los individuos, sino por el contrario que logren la adaptación de manera oportuna, para hacerle frente a las evoluciones del mercado.

In the XXI century a new paradigm has developed, beyond any influencing factor in the workplace and especially that of human resources, in charge of the selection of the new members of each company, knowledge prevails. That is why today more than ever, people must know what their true tastes are, what their orientation is, to find the best profession, in which the acquisition of knowledge to develop it is not an obligation or a nuisance, but a pleasure or pleasure.