
What is orthophony? »Its definition and meaning


The word ortofonía has its origin from “ort” ὀρθός which means 'straight' and the Greek “phōníā”, φωνή which means voice or vocal articulation; which together mean: modification of the imperfections of the voice and the pronunciation of a given language. Orthophony is a medical specialty with a set of procedures that have the purpose of correcting the deficiencies of articulation, voice (and the word in its origin) and the way of breathing, which is based on a high knowledge of phonetics and phonology, and of the anatomophysiology (a combination of the studies of anatomy, physiology and myology) of the different organs that participate in phonation.

It can sometimes be considered as the art of correction for those who already have a greater command of good speech and good diction, such as announcers, actors, presenters, commentators, entertainers and interpreters. It is even related to speech therapy, since they study many similar aspects.

Some of the deficiencies that orthophony corrects are: stuttering or speech disorders, the study of reading and writing and disorders such as dyslexia. For the expert in this specialty, he must perform particular exercises that the patient must repeat repeatedly. In this way, the patient is helped to regain his previous functions or to correct the defect that he has. "Applied with agility according to the rules of logic and good sense, it culminates in the integral restoration of that physiological wonder that is the human word according to Parrel"