
What is orthothanasia? »Its definition and meaning


It is defined as orthothanasia or a procedure in which a series of measures are taken so that a patient who is in a terminal state can have a death as dignified as possible. It should be noted that in many regions orthothanasia is known as dignified death. Said procedure can include any type of technical use that substantially reduces the pain, both physical and psychological, that said person may present. Furthermore, orthothanasia implies the factto maintain for the last time the bond the patient has with his loved ones in force as far as possible; Thus, it is considered essential that all those close to them accompany the person suffering from a terminal illness or state of health.

Despite the aforementioned, it is necessary to highlight the fact that this type of circumstance beyond a mere expression of wishes, other factors intervene in it, since generally there is legislation whose main function is to guarantee a series of basic treatments in as regards the dying.

Orthothanasia is a right and as such every patient who suffers from an irreversible and incurable disease and whose state of health is terminal, can opt for it, that is, they can decide and express their desire to reject invasive surgical procedures, hydration, food and even artificial resuscitation (if applicable), as they are extraordinary and disproportionate with respect to the prospect of improving their condition and in addition to the fact that they can cause the patient much more pain than their own disease.

Tomando en cuenta lo antes expuesto, se puede decir que la muerte digna, también conocida como ortotanasia, le da un encuadre legal a la decisión que un paciente toma o de los familiares del mismo, para ponerle punto final a la vida, dándole pase libre a los doctores para que procedan respecto a esta decisión.

Due to the great importance that these types of circumstances have for society in general, it is not surprising that there are discrepancies and controversies regarding how to handle these types of situations. In addition to the fact that on many occasions, orthothanasia tends to be confused with euthanasia, two procedures that differ categorically, since, for example, in the first case, death is caused voluntarily by third parties, while that in the second case it is only expected that it comes naturally.