The Osteoporosis is as well the etymology of the word indicates (Osteon = West, Poros = Pore and Sys = formation) refers to the formation of pores in the bones, which cynically translates to a degenerative bone deformation that It commonly occurs in elderly people, however, this pathology can develop in young people who get sick with Osteoporosis.
This disease is like the end point of osteopenia which is the initial degeneration of the bones. What is specific in Osteoporosis is the degree of absence of essential minerals for its protection and conservation. Jean Georges Chretien Frederic Martin
Lobstein was the visionary doctor who at the beginning of the 19th century detailed the characteristics of Osteoporosis and established the parameters and treatments that would be carried out to control the progressive degeneration of Osteoporosis.
The main minerals that begin to be absent from the bones are iron, calcium and zinc. In addition to this, Osteoporosis causes that the bones do not absorb the essential vitamins and minerals as easily, so it is necessary to apply supplements of the minerals that contain a greater load of nutrients for optimal absorption.
It is the women who enter the menopausal stage who suffer the most frequent attacks of Osteoporosis. In men it is less likely but there are reported cases of men who are diagnosed with Osteoporosis at 65 years of age, while in women it is common at 50 years. There are factors that influence the formation of Osteoporosis and from these it can be classified into two large groups:
Osteoporosis caused by alcohol consumption, little exercise, poor diet and being a smoker are the factors that most converge in a diagnosis of Osteoporosis in women of 50 years.
Osteoporosis that is not caused by the aforementioned elements can be caused by lactose intolerance, this supposes a lack of calcium from the most essential source, calcium, milk. They also highlight genetic problems that not only degenerate the bones but also the organs.