Etymologically the term passport comes from the French "passeport", formed by the verb "passer" corresponding to that of our language "pass", from the Latin "passare", in addition to the word "port" which means "port" originating from Latin "for your". Passport is that non-transferable document or credential, which is granted by the state that accredits you, inside and outside the national territory, nationality and identity. In other words, this is a license issued by the authorities of a government, which allows the identification of an individual both outside his native country and within it. The passport assumes that the state grants legal consent and authorization to move internationally.
The passport is usually used by people at airports, customs or in border areas since it is one of the main requirements when leaving one territory and then moving to another; This credential should be accompanied by a series of documents such as visas or permits when traveling, although sometimes it is enough to be able to make tourist trips. Each country in particular demands a series of requirements to be able to grant each individual from a certain nation or country this certificate or credential, which vary depending on the territory in question. In order to apply for a passport abroad, it must be done at the consulate of the country where you belong or are a national.
In a passport we can usually find a series of information about the person in question such as name and surname, date and place of birth, sex, nationality, we can also find a home address, room or personal telephone, as well as a current photo of the person, etc.